

Interfaith Scotland is the national interfaith organisation for Scotland.

We work to help ensure good relations between the diverse religion and belief communities of Scotland and also to share good practice in interfaith dialogue, education, engagement and training nationally and internationally.

First Minister John Swinney on Scottish Interfaith Week 2024

“I would like to thank Interfaith Scotland, as well as Scotland’s faith communities themselves, for your work in promoting community compassion and unity.

“Twenty years of Interfaith Week is a cause for celebration so please enjoy the festivities, the new friendships formed and the excellent conversations.”

Upcoming Events in 2025

Inverclyde Interfaith Gathering

You are invited to an interfaith gathering where you will have an opportunity to meet people from different faiths and beliefs in the Inverclyde area over food and conversation. The topic for conversation is ‘Pilgrimage and Retreat’. This event is co-hosted by Inverclyde Interfaith and 

Find out more
Greenock Town Hall, Saloon Room, Cathcart Square
Greenock, PA15 1LY United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Public Training Courses

More training courses coming soon in 2025.

Sign up for a public training course on Eventbrite

Interfaith Scotland Magazines

We gather the most exciting interfaith news from across Scotland and publish the stories in a bi-annual magazine.

You can read the magazines online in the Newsletter section of our website.

Follow us on Facebook

While Scottish Interfaith Week will continue to be managed by Interfaith Scotland, the future of Inter Faith Week (UK-wide festival) is unclear. The Faith & Belief Forum has launched a nationwide consultation across England to shape the future of Inter Faith Week. Voices from Scotland are encouraged to join in too. You can attend an online consultation to give feedback and input. Find out more ➡ https://faithbeliefforum.org/programme/interfaith-week-consultation/

Today is the beginning of World Interfaith Harmony and we wish everyone getting involved a wonderful week of engagement and solidarity! 🦋 You can find events on the official website - https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/event-calendar-2025/

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