

Interfaith Scotland is the national interfaith organisation for Scotland.

We work to help ensure good relations between the diverse religion and belief communities of Scotland and also to share good practice in interfaith dialogue, education, engagement and training nationally and internationally.

COP28 Briefing for Faith and Belief Communities

COP28 is over and our Climate Justice Associate, Adrian Shaw, has prepared a useful guide to what happened in Dubai. This briefing highlights the key outcomes of the Cop, gives up-to-date information on the science, and concludes with actions for Religious Leaders.

Upcoming Events in 2024

Religious Communities in the Virtual Age: Understanding the ‘New Normal’

What does the virtual age mean for the future of religion in Scotland and Europe? What opportunities and challenges does it offer?

Join researchers from the two-year pan-European project ‘Religious Communities in the Virtual Age’ (Recovira) to discuss their findings and what they may mean for your community and interfaith dialogue in democratic Europe, with plenty of discussion.

Co-sponsored by Interfaith Scotland with Manchester Metropolitan University.

Light refreshments provided and tickets are free.

Please email admin@interfaithscotland.org if you have any dietary or accessibility requirements.

📌 Friday 9th August (2.30-4.30pm), Glasgow


Regional Networking Seminar: North East

Our regional networking seminars are for local interfaith groups to learn and network together. This particular seminar is for interfaith groups based in the North East of Scotland.

📌  Monday 26th August (11.30am-4pm) at Laichmoray Hotel, Elgin IV30 1QR


Interfaith Week on Iona

The Iona Community is hosting an interfaith week on the island of Iona facilitated by Dr Maureen Sier and Frances Hume from Interfaith Scotland; Zarina Ahmad, a climate activist based in Manchester, and Caro Penney, Iona Abbey Warden.

The week is open to people of all faiths and beliefs and the focus will be on environmental protection.

📌 Saturday 14th September – Friday 20th September, 2024


Scottish Interfaith Week 2024

This year’s festival will be held from Monday 11 November to Monday 18 November. We will celebrate 20 years of Scottish Interfaith Week!

Anyone can host an event anywhere in Scotland. The theme for the week is ‘Discovery’. Find out more at www.scottishinterfaithweek.org

📌 Monday 11th – Monday 18th November 2024

Public Training Courses

More training courses coming soon in 2024.

Sign up for a public training course on Eventbrite

Interfaith Creative Projects

Faces of Faith Exhibition

Interested in hosting the exhibition at your venue? Contact frances@interfaithscotland.org

This exhibition is a showcase of Scotland’s diverse religious and cultural communities.

Through the stories of sixteen people, we explore the joys, challenges, and complexities of living as a person of faith in Scotland, and the impact these communities have on a local, national, and international level.

View the exhibition on the Scottish Interfaith Week website.

Poetry Book

We worked with the Scottish Poetry Library to create a beautiful anthology of 40 poems written by poets of all faiths and beliefs.

The poets shared insights into what gave them support and inspiration during the pandemic such as nature, faith and culture. You can read more here.

The poetry book is available to purchase from Interfaith Scotland for £4.99. Please email admin@interfaithscotland.org to request a copy.

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