
Scottish Interfaith Week
Scottish Interfaith Week is one of our main projects. Every year we choose a new theme for the week, provide resources for communities, host the national launch of the week, promote the week widely and fund local community dialogue events.

Members dialogue events
We are supported by faith community member organisations across Scotland and every year we host a number of dialogue events of civic importance to provide our members, associate members and friends with opportunities to engage in the important discourses of society.

Holocaust Memorial Day
Remembering the Holocaust and subsequent genocides is vitally important. Interfaith Scotland is honoured to host a memorial event in Scotland every January and engage in additional supporting events during the week of Holocaust Memorial.

Interfaith dialogue with young people
Our flagship 'face to faith' school engagement programmes allow young people across Scotland to meet members of Scotland's diverse faith communities. We also support schools to host interfaith days; engage in Scottish Interfaith Week and host Holocaust Memorial Day events.

Support for local interfaith groups
Grassroots interfaith engagement is vital to promoting good relations. We support the diverse local groups across Scotland by providing appropriate resources, speak at local events, manage capacity building and training, and hosting local interfaith group networking seminars.

Supporting women of faith
We host events across Scotland which offer women of all faiths and beliefs a safe space to explore the issues that impact their lives. These include interfaith dialogues, talks, visits to places of worship, retreats and art and creativity workshops. We also support local women's interfaith groups in Scotland.
Civic Engagement

Parliamentary engagement
In our parliamentary and government engagement we work hard to keep faith communities informed of parliamentary business that may impact on them. We also support the Scottish Government with the religion and belief aspect of their equality work and act as Secretariat for the Cross Party Group on Freedom of Religion and Belief in the Scottish Parliament .

Partnership working
We are committed to working in partnership with diverse organisations across Scotland. Working together collaboratively with others makes our programmes more effective in terms of cost and delivery.

Religious leaders forum
Since 2002 the Religious Leaders of Scotland have met twice a year to build good relations and set an outstanding example of interfaith friendship building to their respective communities. We are honoured to act as Secretariat to this important forum.

Religion and belief training
Our excellent Religion and Belief Training Programme effectively trains organisations from the statutory, voluntary and public sector to develop their understanding of the diversity of faiths in Scotland; conform to the Religion and Belief Equality legislation; and to be sensitive to the needs of the religion and belief communities they serve.

Scotland Abroad Faith Exchange
We are committed to sharing our interfaith expertise internationally and to learning from innovative interfaith dialogue programmes from around the world. We have recently engaged with organisations in Ukraine, Finland, Ireland, Slovenia, France, Germany, Rwanda and New Zealand.

Outside In project
Outside In is an Erasmus-funded project to provide training to youth workers on tackling hate speech in youth work. We arranged a set of five public training dates to attract a wide range of delegates - with priority to those who work regularly with young people.